Hardware installation and implementation of PLC logic on LFC management
Hardware installation and implementation of PLC logic on LFC management in relation to the local control system of HPP BANJE, HPP MOGLICE, HPP FANG with OST System.
Reconstruction of 220kV Bus Bar bay, at Rrashbull Substation
This project includes Emergency interventions (Primary and secondary works in the 220 kV Bus Bar bay of Rrashbull substation, for the installation and commissioning of the 220kV SF6 CB, 220kV Disconnector, and the supply of equipment that was damaged by the earthquake). Year: 2020
Reconstruction of the 110/35/20 kv Substation Plasmas, Lushnje
This project includes DESIGN, Dismantling of existing equipments for 3 Bays, construction works and new foundations for all bays, perimetric wall, cable ducts, replacement of old primary and secondary equipment with new equipments, reconstruction of the battery room, implementation of SCADA system and integration of Local SCADA with OST system. Year: 2019
Testing and Commissioning of Power Transformer and 35 kV Line, Hec Ura e Fanit.
This project includes Testing and Commissioning of Power Transformer and 35 kV Line, Hec Ura e Fanit.