Reconstruction of the 35 kv line Korçe-Maliq
This project included: Reinforcement of existing foundations, replacement of conductors with ACSR 120/20 mm2 and insulators as well, reinforcement of damaged elements at existing towers. Total Line Length: 13 km Year: 2021
Reconstruction of 35 kV line, 30 / 7-30 / 9, Fier – Patos – Ballsh
Turn-Key Project Construction Design, Civil works, supply and installation of steel lattice tower, installation of the new conductor ACSR 120 / 20mm2 (including insulation), GSW 35mm2, XLPE Cable 35 (42) kV. Total Length of OHL: 21 km Total Length of Cable Line: 1.9 km Year: 2021
Reconstruction of 110 kV Line Laç 2-Skuraj
Reconstruction of double and single 110 kV circuit line, SS Laç 2-Skuraj, demolition of the old existing line, erection of new steel lattice type, installation of ACSR 240/40mm2, and OPGW. Total Line Length: 21 km Year: 2021
Reconstruction of 154 kV line and Installation of OPGW Bistrica 1-Kufi
Reconstruction of 154 kV line Bistrica 1- Kufi and replacement of GSW with OPGW optical fiber. Line Length: 34 kmYear: 2020
Construction of new OHL 35 kV HPP DAM and transformation cabin
Turn-Key Project This project includes the Design of OHL, the Construction of new OHL 35 kV for connection of HPP DAM with transmission system and 35kV Switchgears, test and commissioning of aux transformer 35/0.4 kV. Line Length: 1.3 km Year: 2017